已发布: 21 四月 2023

Accelerating Asia’s Advantage: A Guide to Corporate Climate Action

This paper emphasizes the unique and crucial contribution that Asia can make to climate action and calls for businesses across the region to be at the forefront of this important drive. While there are significant economic opportunities to be realized, corporate ambitions and commitments are meaningful only if combined with allied action.

This paper emphasizes the unique and crucial contribution that Asia can make to climate action and calls for businesses across the region to be at the forefront of this important drive. While there are significant economic opportunities to be realized, corporate ambitions and commitments are meaningful only if combined with allied action.

With findings based on first- and third-party quantitative and qualitative research from across Asia, the paper analyses the critical role the region needs to play and examines the opportunities to be gained from taking immediate and bold climate action. It focuses not only on business responsibility but also highlights the measures corporations can implement to contribute to a broader net-zero transition, providing a framework to guide businesses on the immediate, medium-term and transformational steps needed.

This paper is written in collaboration with Boston Consulting Group and SAP.


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