已发布: 21 四月 2021

A Framework for the Future of Real Estate

The World Economic Forum’s Real Estate community has developed a vision for the future of real estate. It is a future in which buildings provide comfort, are equipped for the most unprecedented events, support people’s health, and are affordable and accessible for all of society. It is a vision in which the real estate of the future is liveable, sustainable, resilient and affordable. To deliver on this concept, a Framework for the Future of Real Estate was created. This Framework report provides a pathway for the industry to transition to more technologically advanced, affordable, sustainable and healthy buildings. It also depicts best practices and business solutions from innovative and successful real estate case studies worldwide and outlines recommended actions for both the public and private sectors.

The World Economic Forum’s Real Estate community has developed a vision for the future of real estate. It is a future in which buildings provide comfort, are equipped for the most unprecedented events, support people’s health, and are affordable and accessible for all of society. It is a vision in which the real estate of the future is liveable, sustainable, resilient and affordable. To deliver on this concept, a Framework for the Future of Real Estate was created. This Framework report provides a pathway for the industry to transition to more technologically advanced, affordable, sustainable and healthy buildings. It also depicts best practices and business solutions from innovative and successful real estate case studies worldwide and outlines recommended actions for both the public and private sectors.


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