已发布: 29 六月 2022

A Blueprint for Equity and Inclusion in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has great potential to benefit society, but the technology’s full potential can only be realized if it is representative of the diversity of populations it impacts throughout every step of its development. With growing concerns about bias, data privacy and lack of representation, it is critical to re-evaluate the way in which AI is both designed and deployed to ensure that all affected stakeholders and communities reap the benefits of the technology. In this report, the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Artificial Intelligence for Humanity has identified gap areas and opportunities to make AI more equitable and inclusive for all. Designed with an inclusive methodology, this blueprint aims to guide organizations in achieving equitable and inclusive artificial intelligence outcomes through each step of the AI lifecycle and for the AI ecosystem as a whole.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has great potential to benefit society, but the technology’s full potential can only be realized if it is representative of the diversity of populations it impacts throughout every step of its development. With growing concerns about bias, data privacy and lack of representation, it is critical to re-evaluate the way in which AI is both designed and deployed to ensure that all affected stakeholders and communities reap the benefits of the technology. In this report, the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Artificial Intelligence for Humanity has identified gap areas and opportunities to make AI more equitable and inclusive for all. Designed with an inclusive methodology, this blueprint aims to guide organizations in achieving equitable and inclusive artificial intelligence outcomes through each step of the AI lifecycle and for the AI ecosystem as a whole.


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