
Radio Davos

How chemicals companies are joining forces to become more sustainable

Incubated at the World Economic Forum, the Global Impact Coalition (GIC) is an organisation that pools the resources of major chemicals companies to develop ways of making their industry more sustainable. We hear from Charlie Tan, CEO of the GIC, and from two technical experts at the GIC's Research and Development Hub at Netherlands-based research centre TNO.


33 minutes


Radio Davos

"The Centre Must Hold" - what role can centrist politics play in a polarised world?

The world's biggest challenges - from climate change to global inequalities, from the depths of the ocean to outer space - we talk to the brightest minds on what can be done.

Robin Pomeroy

Podcast Editor, World Economic Forum



How chemicals companies are joining forces to become more sustainable

 • 33 minutes

Incubated at the World Economic Forum, the Global Impact Coalition (GIC) is an organisation that pools the resources of major chemicals companies to develop ways of making their industry more sustainable. We hear from Charlie Tan, CEO of the GIC, and from two technical experts at the GIC's Research and Development Hub at Netherlands-based research centre TNO.

 • 33 minutes

Incubated at the World Economic Forum, the Global Impact Coalition (GIC) is an organisation that pools the resources of major chemicals companies to develop ways of making their industry more sustainable. We hear from Charlie Tan, CEO of the GIC, and from two technical experts at the GIC's Research and Development Hub at Netherlands-based research centre TNO.

"The Centre Must Hold" - what role can centrist politics play in a polarised world?

 • 38 minutes

As populists are on the rise in many countries, how should the moderates respond. We hear from Yair Zivan, the author of a new book called ‘The Centre Must Hold’, who argues that centrism is more than just the mid-point between two extremes, and can be a radical force for good.

 • 38 minutes

As populists are on the rise in many countries, how should the moderates respond. We hear from Yair Zivan, the author of a new book called ‘The Centre Must Hold’, who argues that centrism is more than just the mid-point between two extremes, and can be a radical force for good.

No laughing matter: Can comedy help us tackle climate change?

 • 31 minutes

Climate change is an extremely serious issue, but can comedy help us cope with - and communicate about - it? We hear from the University of Colorado, Boulder where students can take a course in ‘climate comedy’ that ends in them performing on stage in a comedy club. And we unpack the power of cartoons from the World Economic Forum’s climate ‘cartoonathon’.

 • 31 minutes

Climate change is an extremely serious issue, but can comedy help us cope with - and communicate about - it? We hear from the University of Colorado, Boulder where students can take a course in ‘climate comedy’ that ends in them performing on stage in a comedy club. And we unpack the power of cartoons from the World Economic Forum’s climate ‘cartoonathon’.

More than just a toothache: how to tackle the huge costs of poor oral health

 • 22 minutes

What’s the health condition that affects us all, but is often seen as an add-on for healthcare - and how much is this neglect costing the economy? Oral diseases affect half the world's population and, according to a new report, have knock-on costs to the economy worth $710 billion every year. Marko Vujicic of the American Dental Association joins us to discuss 'The Economic Rationale for a Global Commitment to Invest in Oral Health'.

 • 22 minutes

What’s the health condition that affects us all, but is often seen as an add-on for healthcare - and how much is this neglect costing the economy? Oral diseases affect half the world's population and, according to a new report, have knock-on costs to the economy worth $710 billion every year. Marko Vujicic of the American Dental Association joins us to discuss 'The Economic Rationale for a Global Commitment to Invest in Oral Health'.

Globalization is in transition - not retreat, says this analyst of global trade

 • 26 minutes

Deglobalization, reglobalization, decoupling, de-risking, reshoring friend-shoring, export bans, tariffs and sanctions - is global trade going into reverse, or simply into a new phase? As the World Economic Forum hosts the Annual Meeting of the New Champions in China, we ask an expert about the state of global trade and where it might be heading.

 • 26 minutes

Deglobalization, reglobalization, decoupling, de-risking, reshoring friend-shoring, export bans, tariffs and sanctions - is global trade going into reverse, or simply into a new phase? As the World Economic Forum hosts the Annual Meeting of the New Champions in China, we ask an expert about the state of global trade and where it might be heading.





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