日益加剧的地缘政治不稳定和一系列前所未有的危机颠覆了汽车和移动出行行业。这些颠覆对我们的全球业务和供应链产生了重大影响:仅半导体短缺就导致2021年全球汽车产量损失1100万辆。 新冠疫情蔓延、乌克兰持续冲突引发的能源短缺以及通货膨胀逆风导致的区域和全球停工时间延长,进一步增加了局势的复杂性。我们如何降低供应风险和价格波动,以确保可持续的交通生态系统为所有人所用?
The Volvo Group drives prosperity through transport and infrastructure solutions, offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase customer uptime and productivity. Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to shaping the future landscape of sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions. It is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, employs almost 95,000 people and serves customers in more than 190 markets. In 2021, net sales amounted to SEK372 billion (€37 billion). Volvo shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.
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New approaches to partnering and collaboration will be key to tackling climate action. This will require new mindsets, new systems and connecting with people and groups you might have oth...
The manufacturing sector, which accounts for one-fifth of global carbon emissions and over half of the world's energy usage, is taking centre stage in the global race to net zero. Yet des...