EU proposes 90% reduction in truck emissions by 2040
The European Union is proposing a 90% reduction in carbon emissions from trucks by 2040, in line with its goal of reaching net zero by 2050. Trucks and buses account for over a quarter of the EU's road transport emissions and more than 6% of the EU's total emissions.
Today, there are dozens of electric trucks on the market, and leading companies are increasingly committed to making their fleets zero-emission. However, it's not happening fast enough to reach net zero by 2050.
EU's proposal to boost the deployment of zero-emission trucks
The European Commission has proposed new truck CO2 reduction targets, calling for average emissions from trucks to fall 43% by 2030, 64% by 2035, and 90% by 2040. European legislators are set to decide whether these targets are achievable or even ambitious enough.
Road Freight Zero, a coalition of first-mover champions, has identified 8 policy levers to help the industry go further and faster than the proposed EU targets. These include:
- Subsidizing purchases of zero-emission trucks
- Providing incentives for using electric trucks with long ranges
- Setting a CO2 credit and debit system that rewards the production of zero-emission trucks
- Establishing an emissions trading system for road transport as well as road-charging systems with lower fees for lower-emission vehicles
- Increasing vehicle weight and size allowances to account for heavy batteries
- Simplifying permits and building procedures for hydrogen and electric charging stations across the EU
- Mapping the most appropriate locations for their development, all with enough space, grid capacity, and charging demand
- Alleviating the costs of grid connections and supporting the piloting of Megawatt Charging Systems
These policies would boost the deployment of zero-emission trucks and infrastructure, helping the EU achieve its goal of net zero emissions by 2050.
To learn more, read the World Economic Forum's Road Freight Zero briefing.