6 retos laborales que abordará el metaverso
El metaverso representa el próximo gran salto adelante. Promete cambiar nuestra forma de socializar, jugar, aprender y comprar, y también influirá mucho en nuestra forma de trabajar.
Valerie joined the Adecco Group as Chief Sales and Marketing Officer and member of the Executive Committee in November 2020. Before joining the Adecco Group, Valerie served as Chief Marketing Officer for Microsoft US, leading the marketing function across the region’s B2B portfolio. Her career at Microsoft spanned 23 years, where she held various senior leadership roles across North America, Asia and Europe. Since January 2015, Valerie has been Vice President of the French Foreign Trade Advisors, a voluntary position that uses her experience to promote France's economic presence around the world. Valerie holds an English Masters Degree and International Sales Degree.
El metaverso representa el próximo gran salto adelante. Promete cambiar nuestra forma de socializar, jugar, aprender y comprar, y también influirá mucho en nuestra forma de trabajar.
The metaverse represents the next quantum leap forward. It promises to change how we socialize, play, learn and shop and will also heavily influence how we work.
Since the pandemic, many employers and employees have come to value greater flexibility in working arrangements. Flexibility is often framed as a women’s issue: when the insurance firm Zu...