This year is likely to be the year of peak energy emissions. Since the coke-fired blast furnaces of the Industrial Revolution, energy emissions have been on an upward trend. Yet the build...
The speed of the green shift will benefit from uninterrupted global trade, while cooperation also depends on trust between countries and regions for a reasonably fair competition.
Los intereses de la industria del petróleo y el gas son profundos en Norteamérica. Desde la planta Ford de Highland Park, en Michigan, el Modelo T se convirtió en el primer automóvil del ...
The interests of the oil and gas industry run deep in North America. From Highland Park Ford Plant in Michigan, the Model T became the world’s first mass-produced car, with a gasoline-pow...
La relación entre las piedras angulares del trilema energético -sostenibilidad, asequibilidad y seguridad- se ha vuelto tensa desde la invasión rusa de Ucrania, con gobiernos cada vez más...
The relationship between the cornerstones of the energy trilemma – sustainability, affordability and security – have become strained since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with governments b...
Hydrogen has a crucial role to play in the energy transition, decarbonizing sectors that cannot be electrified, like aviation, maritime, and high-heat manufacturing. Being rightly priorit...
As Europe struggles to build energy security in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, uncertainty looms on many fronts. By turning its back on Russian oil and gas, will Europe speed o...