根据国际货币基金组织官方外汇储备的货币构成 (COFER))调查,中央银行持有的美元储备份额,在2020年第四季度下降至59%,为25年来的最低水平。一些分析人士表示,这在一定程度上反映了美元在全球经济中的作用下降——它正面临来自央行用于国际交易的其他货币的竞争。如果各国央行准备金的变动幅度足够大,国际货币和债券市场将会受到其影响。
Serkan Arslanalp is Senior Economist in the Regional Studies Division of the IMF’s Asia and Pacific Department. He has also worked in the IMF’s Monetary and Capital Markets Department, and has contributed to the Global Financial Stability Report on issues related to sovereign risk, financial stability, and capital markets. His most recent country assignment was Japan, where he was responsible for banking sector stress tests for the Japan Financial Sector Assessment Program. Previously, he was a fiscal economist working on a range of program and surveillance countries in the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department. Mr. Arslanalp holds an undergraduate degree in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a PhD in Economics from Stanford University.
根据国际货币基金组织官方外汇储备的货币构成 (COFER))调查,中央银行持有的美元储备份额,在2020年第四季度下降至59%,为25年来的最低水平。一些分析人士表示,这在一定程度上反映了美元在全球经济中的作用下降——它正面临来自央行用于国际交易的其他货币的竞争。如果各国央行准备金的变动幅度足够大,国际货币和债券市场将会受到其影响。
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