Why the future of sustainability starts with mobility
It's been five years since the UN set 17 social and environmental goals for sustainable development.
Sandra has spent the last half decade working in urban planning and sustainability development. Prior to WEF, she worked as an urban planner at MIG, an urban planning and communication consulting firm in Berkeley, CA. She specialized in community centered planning transportation planning, complete streets design and emerging new mobility transportation. She created long range planning for cities around the United States and in China. She also worked at Natural Resources Defense Council and Sustainable Agriculture Education planning sustainable food systems. She received her B.A. from Yale University in Environmental Politics (cum laude) and her Masters in Urban and Regional Planning from U.C.L.A.
It's been five years since the UN set 17 social and environmental goals for sustainable development.
Today’s transportation systems don’t meet the needs of all people. Many groups, including low-income communities, women, the disabled and communities subject to systemic racism, can’t get...
Every day, thousands of essential healthcare workers cross the border between Canada and the United States to work in U.S. hospitals and help fight the COVID-19 pandemic. During these dif...
After COVID-19 lockdowns, roads emptied and transit agencies either completely stopped service or drastically reduced service, allowing pedestrians and cyclists to take back streets and s...
Racism is deeply ingrained in our society – and as a result, it’s deeply ingrained in our workplaces, too.
虽然现在尚不能确定应对COVID-19的有效和无效方法,但我们已经可以评估新出行服务提供商为抵御病毒传播所做的贡献。 当前人们的许多努力,都集中在提高效率、确保安全和充分利用现有系统上。 即使在危机过去之后,这些策略中的每一种,都可以提高我们出行系统的效率和效力。
While it is too soon to determine what worked and what didn’t in mobilising the response to COVID-19, we can already take stock of various efforts that new mobility providers are pursuing...
At times of emergency, we all realize just how important the seamless urban movement of goods truly is. People need a study supply of food, medical supplies and emergency goods with minim...
Latin America and the Caribbean are experiencing rapid rates of urbanization, population growth and income growth, with matching increased demand for mobility services. Within the last 50...