Studies in Advanced Accounting and Cost Accounting, Bangalore University; MBA, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad; 1991, Master's (Hons) in Social Policy and Planning, London School of Economics. Formerly: career dealing with development issues in Asia and Africa. With ActionAid: 1986, Field Officer, India; 1991, Executive Director, India; 1995, Country Director, Kenya; 1998, Chief Executive Officer, ActionAid International. 2003, Director, UN Millennium Campaign. Since 2010, Secretary-General, Amnesty International.
Los acontecimientos turbulentos de 2016 han causado que la gente se cuestione muchos de los preceptos básicos en los que se basa el sistema internacional. Algunos políticos en particular ...
The turbulent events of 2016 have left people questioning many of the basic precepts on which the international system is based. Some politicians in particular seem set on tearing up the ...
Patnaree Chankij is a 40-year-old maid who lives in Thailand and happens to be the mother of a pro-democracy activist. Her son has been campaigning peacefully against Thailand’s repressiv...
If ASEAN was a single country, it would represent the seventh-largest economy in the world. By 2050, management consultants McKinsey predict the economies of South-East Asia could collect...