How personalizing sustainable investments can shape the future of finance
This is one of a series of articles written by Young Global Leaders with action-oriented ideas to improve the state of the world by 2030.
Founder and President of the Granito Group, a global holding company devoted to the impact economy that owns the investment bank Granito & Capital, the consulting firm Granito & Partners, and the think-tank Impact Economy Foundation. He holds over 15 years of experience in government and international organizations working with foreign affairs and economic cooperation. From 2011 to 2014 served as Head of the São Paulo State Government's Office of Foreign Affairs. His academic path includes the universities of Harvard (Senior Research Fellow), Columbia (Research Fellow on a postdoc grant), Gothenburg (Ph.D.) and California, Berkeley (Visiting Research Fellow). Author of 4 books, including “Paradiplomacy: Cities and States as Global Players” (Oxford University Press, 2016). In 2017 he was nominated Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.
This is one of a series of articles written by Young Global Leaders with action-oriented ideas to improve the state of the world by 2030.
“Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” – Thomas Je...
The United States is the country with the world’s largest diplomatic network, but it currently has 38 vacant ambassadorships positions – 23% of the total – indicating that President Trump...
Há algo incongruente no mundo do capital de risco. A maioria das start-ups é fundada por pessoas da geração do milênio, e 76% delas acreditam que as empresas têm o poder de fazer uma dife...
Algo no acaba de cuadrar en el mundo del capital de riesgo. La mayoría de los nuevos emprendimientos están fundados por los millennials, 76 % de los cuales creen que las empresas tienen e...
Something doesn’t quite add up in the world of venture capital (VC). Most start-ups are founded by millennials, 76% of whom believe that businesses have the power to make a difference in ...
After the Second World War, US President Harry Truman called on the US to assume the mantle of world power. “Great responsibilities have been placed upon us by the swift movement of event...
Capital markets manage an estimated $71 trillion, approximately the size of the combined GDP of all countries in the world ($78 trillion in nominal terms, 2015).
Un tercio de los que salieron de la pobreza en América Latina durante la última década probablemente vuelva a caer en ella. Representan 30 millones de personas. Otros 200 millones se cons...
One-third of all those who moved out of poverty in Latin America over the past decade will likely slide back. That’s 30 million people. Another 200 million are considered vulnerable.
La Asociación Mundial de Agencias de Promoción de Inversiones (WAIPA), cuenta con cientos de agencias nacionales y subnacionales de 170 socios, aunque más de un tercio son agencias de ciu...
位于日内瓦和伊斯坦布尔的世界投资促进机构协会(WAIPA)有170个成员,但超过三分之一的成员都来自特定城市或地区,而非国家,例如安达卢西亚和麦德林的创新和发展局。 哥伦比亚大学的一项研究表示,目前全世界大约有8000个地方贸易和投资促进机构。 当今世界以“全球价值链”和“全球资本流动” 为主流,这样的情况听起来可能会显得相当矛盾:地方机构正在绞尽脑汁甚至罔顾后果地进行...
The Geneva and Istanbul-based World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) has 170 members, but over one-third are agencies from cities or regions, not countries, such as th...
When British voters went to the polls back in June, they were asked to decide whether or not the country should leave the EU. They said yes. What they perhaps didn’t realize was that this...