Las dos pandemias
Estamos sintiendo los efectos de ansiedad no sólo de una pandemia sino de dos. Primero, existe la pandemia del COVID-19, que nos pone ansiosos porque nosotros, o la gente que amamos, en c...
1967, BA, University of Michigan; 1968, SM and 1972, PhD, MIT. 1972-74, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Minnesota; 1974-75, Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, MIT and Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research, Research Center for Economics and Management Science, Cambridge; 1974-80, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania; 1980-81, Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, Harvard University and Visitor, National Bureau of Economic Research; 1981-82, Professor of Economics, University of Pennsylvania and Professor of Finance, Wharton School; 1981-82, Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, MIT; since 1982, Professor of Economics, Yale University; 1991, Co-Founder, Case Shiller Weiss, Cambridge, US; 1999, Co-Founder, MacroMarkets; 2016, President, American Economic Association. Former: Vice-President, American Economic Association; Member, Competitive Markets Advisory Council, Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Author: Irrational Exuberance, (2000); Finance and the Good Society (2012). Co-Author, Animal Spirits (2009), Phishing for Phools with George Akerlof (2015), Narrative Economics (2019).
Estamos sintiendo los efectos de ansiedad no sólo de una pandemia sino de dos. Primero, existe la pandemia del COVID-19, que nos pone ansiosos porque nosotros, o la gente que amamos, en c...
Nous ressentons aujourd’hui les effets anxiogènes de deux pandémies. Partout dans le monde, la première pandémie, celle du COVID-19, nous fait redouter que nos proches tombent gravement m...
These two pandemics are interrelated, but are not the same phenomenon. In the second pandemic, stories of fear have gone so viral that we often think of them constantly. The stock market ...
While the conventional wisdom holds that it is never possible to "time the market," it might seem that major shifts – like the quadrupling of the US stock market over the last decade – sh...
The cryptocurrency revolution, which started with bitcoin in 2009, claims to be inventing new kinds of money. There are now nearly 2,000 cryptocurrencies, and millions of people worldwide...
La revolución de las criptomonedas, que comenzó con el bitcoin en 2009, dice estar inventando nuevos tipos de moneda. Hoy existen casi 2.000 criptomonedas, y millones de personas en todo ...
How are Behavioural Sciences applied in our economy and society currently? What opportunities will they open up in the next 10-15 years? Which sectors can profit most? What are the risks ...
NEW HAVEN – Le niveau des marchés boursiers diffère largement selon les pays. En ce moment, les États-Unis sont en tête du classement mondial. Mais tout le monde veut savoir si le niveau ...
Inequality is usually measured by comparing incomes across households within a country. But there is also a different kind of inequality: in the affordability of homes across cities. The ...
La desigualdad se mide generalmente comparando los ingresos entre hogares dentro de un país. Pero, también existe un tipo diferente de desigualdad: la relativa a la asequibilidad a la viv...
Desde la “Gran Recesión” de 2007 a 2009, los principales bancos centrales del mundo han mantenido los tipos de interés a corto plazo cerca de cero. En Estados Unidos, incluso tras los rec...
The idea of a tax on robots was raised last May in a draft report to the European Parliament prepared by MEP Mady Delvaux from the Committee on Legal Affairs. Emphasizing how robots could...
El pasado mayo, en un proyecto de informe al Parlamento Europeo preparado por la eurodiputada Mady Delvaux de la Comisión de Asuntos Jurídicos, se presentó la idea de un impuesto a los ro...
US President-elect Donald Trump campaigned in part on a proposal to cut taxes dramatically for those with high incomes, a group whose members often have elite educations as well. And yet ...
For the past several centuries, the world has experienced a sequence of intellectual revolutions against oppression of one sort or another. These revolutions operate in the minds of human...