Phil Baty is an authority on international higher education policy and university performance and he leads on government partnerships and global affairs at Times Higher Education, the trusted data, insights and consultancy partner to universities, corporates and governments worldwide. With over 25 years in the sector, Phil: developed the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings and its derivative analyses (as rankings editor for over a decade between 2008 and 2019); he created the THE World Academic Summit and oversaw its expansion into the world’s preeminent series of university leadership and policy events; and he led the team that developed and launched the Global Sustainable Development Congress and the sector-leading “Digital Universities” international events series. Phil is also an award-winning journalist, a sought-after keynote speaker, media commentator and consultant.
Earlier this year, the National University of Singapore (NUS) launched an Artificial Intelligence Institute with a bold and ambitious aim “to expand the frontiers of what is possible”.
Cuando surgió el Ranking Mundial de Universidades hace 20 años, se trataba en gran parte de una iniciativa británica. La creación de la clasificación global se recomendó por primera vez e...
When the World University Rankings first emerged 20 years ago, they were very much a UK initiative. The creation of the global league table was first recommended in a 2003 report to the U...
“India is a world-class country without world-class universities.” This was the stark assessment of Philip Altbach, one of the world’s leading experts on global higher education, back in ...
¿Qué tienen en común la Arizona State University de Estados Unidos, la Universidad de Manchester del Reino Unido, la Universidad Afe Babalola de Nigeria, la Universitas Airlangga de Indon...
What do Arizona State University in the US and the UK’s University of Manchester have in common with Nigeria’s Afe Babalola University, Indonesia’s Universitas Airlangga and South Korea’s...
Education, science and technology are core catalysts powering the “Asian Century” – and as we approach the first quarter of this much-heralded geopolitical era, a new data analysis of mor...
“世界面临的巨大挑战……对于个别大学来说,这些挑战太大了;他们需要一体化的国际团队,”2014 年接任伦敦帝国理工学院校长的Alice Gast表示,“未来面临着巨大的挑战,但优秀的大学将通过合作来应对。”
"Los grandes retos a los que se enfrenta el mundo... son demasiado grandes para las universidades individuales; ellas necesitan equipos internacionales integrados", dijo Alice Gast cuando...
“The grand challenges facing the world… are too big for individual universities; they need integrated international teams,” said Alice Gast when she took over as President of Imperial Col...
Scientific research that crosses traditional academic disciplines and breaks down subject silos is widely understood to be essential for the next generation of big breakthroughs and the k...