Pavitra Raja leads the CEOs for Nature initiative at the World Economic Forum, championing corporate sustainability. With a background in law, international relations, and strategic communications, she has shaped key programs and partnerships at the United Nations and World Economic Forum. Pavitra is also a lawyer, certified impact coach, board member, and recognized speaker. Pavitra is Australian-Indian, speaks 5 languages and holds a Juris Doctorate and a B.A. from top global institutions.
La transición a una economía positiva para la naturaleza nunca ha sido tan importante. La degradación del medio ambiente y la pérdida de biodiversidad se están acelerando a un ritmo alarm...
Transitioning to a nature-positive economy has never been more critical. Environmental degradation and biodiversity loss are accelerating at alarming rates with profound implications for ...
A medida que aumentan los desafíos ambientales en todo el mundo, el concepto de "naturaleza positiva" se perfila como una estrategia vital para las empresas. Este enfoque hace hincapié en...
As environmental challenges mount worldwide, the "nature positive" concept is emerging as a vital strategy for businesses. This approach emphasizes halting and reversing biodiversity loss...
Have you wondered how you can create change from within your organization? Then you might be a budding social intrapreneur.
Have you ever looked around at a major problem facing society and thought 'Given the chance, I could fix that'?
In a society still grappling with gender inequalities, women, especially women of colour, have unique barriers to overcome. Recognition is a crucial element in career progression - and as...
The COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating for Brazil. Three of its biggest challenges were hunger, unemployment and the collapse of its health system. With both public and private sector...
For 20 years, the Schwab Foundation set about building one of the world’s foremost communities of accomplished social change leaders. It supports their impact journeys and provides a plat...
As the world looks beyond the devastation of COVID-19 and confronts fresh dislocations caused by climate change, economic turmoil and war, the urgent need to bolster efforts towards the s...
我们应该如何使世界变得更好?我们缺的不是资源、解决方案或技术,而是聪明才智。我们需要研究我们如何扮演好公民、政府和企业的角色,从而促进转型。社会创新者和服务他人的系统颠覆者,为使世界成为一个更加公正、可持续和公平的地方提供了独特的见解。施瓦布基金会(Schwab Foundation)的社会创新者群体已经影响了来自190多个国家的7.22亿人的生活。
How do we make the world a better place? It’s not resources, solutions, or technologies that we lack, it’s resourcefulness. We need to work out how we organize ourselves as citizens, gove...
Our world is in dire need of healing and rebuilding trust, while also needing us to transform our economic, political and societal systems. From using hiphop to transform the lives of fav...
UN Secretary-General António Guterres stressed that "the climate crisis is a code red for humanity", just days before the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow. "Scientists are clear on the fac...