Why old companies may be slowing down the U.S. economy
Though Stevie Nicks didn’t sing about them, firms are getting older too. The age of companies is rising in the United States, just as the rate at which Americans are starting firms is dec...
Nick Bunker is a Policy Research Associate with the Washington Center for Equitable Growth.
Though Stevie Nicks didn’t sing about them, firms are getting older too. The age of companies is rising in the United States, just as the rate at which Americans are starting firms is dec...
How much has income inequality risen in the United States? Well, how do you define income? And what time period are you looking at? The most well-known statistics about income inequality—...
By now, the slowdown in productivity growth in the United States and other high-income countries is a well-known and much lamented trend. A slightly less appreciated aspect of productivit...
The rich are different from you and me. They have different consumption baskets.
The world’s population is getting older. The share of the global population that is more than 50 years old is becoming larger and larger, presenting several economic challenges, the most ...
The future of work and the outlook for the US are key discussion points at the World Economic Forum's Annual meeting 2017. Watch a session on Jobs and the Fourth Industrial Revolution her...
Recessions, unfortunately, are inevitable. Even more unfortunately, economists have not been very good at figuring out when or how they will happen. But with the recovery from the Great R...
Monopsony is not a word that rolls off the tongue, but it’s increasingly a term that anyone paying attention to the U.S. labor market should understand. Monopsony refers to a market where...
One of the leading criticisms of economics is the field’s reliance on perfectly rational agents in many of its models. Read the assumptions behind a macroeconomic model and the rules unde...
The U.S. labor market continues to recover from the still lingering effects of the Great Recession, but the question on the minds of many economists and analysts is how long can the heali...
Why do Americans who’ve been out of work for a long time have such a hard time finding jobs? The answer is very important because long-term unemployment (longer than 26 weeks) as a share ...
How much should U.S. policymakers tax capital? It’s not a simple question. In fact, for some time there was a debate within the economics profession as to whether there should be a tax at...
The U.S. labor market often gets praise for being a dynamic place with lots of hiring, job-switching and moving around the country. But the land of the frontier settlers andHorace Greeley...
If you lost your job tomorrow, how much would you have to pull back on spending? The answer to that question and the answer that millions of other U.S. workers could give would help econo...
When someone somewhere in the United States gets a new job, friends and family will congratulate them on finishing a job search. But the hunt to get new employees matched to open jobs doe...