What are frontier risks and how can we prepare for them?
Space exploration, the development of powerful genetic-editing tools, medical advances that produce effective vaccines, the identification of new species and new technologies driving the ...
BA in Economics and LLB (Hons) in Law, Auckland University; Rhodes Scholar, MPhil and DPhil, University of Oxford. Formerly: taught at Harvard University; Adviser to IMF Board, Commonwealth Heads of Government, UNDP. Founding Dean, Blavatnik School of Government. Founder and Director: Global Economic Governance Programme; Oxford-Princeton Global Leaders Fellowship Programme. Author: The Globalizers - the IMF, the World Bank and their Borrowers; The Politics of Global Regulation. Expertise: international cooperation and global economic institutions.
Space exploration, the development of powerful genetic-editing tools, medical advances that produce effective vaccines, the identification of new species and new technologies driving the ...
Puede que el mundo que surja de la pandemia de coronavirus esté constituido por un conjunto de países en guerra que sean más cerrados y nacionalistas que antes. Pero, sin una cooperación ...
Le monde qui sortira de la pandémie de coronavirus pourrait bien être une collection de pays plus fermés et plus nationalistes qu'ils ne l'étaient auparavant. Mais sans une coopération mo...
The world that emerges from the coronavirus pandemic may be a warring collection of countries that are more closed off and nationalistic than before. But without rapid and effective globa...
The United Kingdom could be headed toward another "people's vote" on its withdrawal from the European Union. The UK reached this point as a result of one of the most serious risks, eviden...
It is often said that the US and China – superpowers at economic, geopolitical, and ideological loggerheads – are heading toward a new cold war. And the rhetoric – at least from one side ...
El retiro del Reino Unido de la Unión Europea sin duda conlleva muchos riesgos. Pero, si los políticos y los líderes empresariales británicos tienen razón, también crea una oportunidad im...
Mientras los líderes financieros del mundo se reúnen para las reuniones de primavera del Fondo Monetario Internacional y el Banco Mundial, muchos trabajadores del mundo exigen un cambio r...
As the world’s financial leaders gather for the International Monetary Fund and World Bank spring meetings, many working people around the world are demanding radical change, because they...
"Take back control” has been an intoxicating rallying call to voters, not just in Britain but in the United States and many other parts of the world. People are “making themselves heard” ...
Democratic governments in the West are increasingly losing their bearings. From the shift toward illiberalism in Poland and Hungary to the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom and Donald Tru...
Across the world, populists are attracting votes with their promises to protect ordinary people from the harsh realities of globalization. The democratic establishment, they assert, canno...
From 2000 to 2015, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) focused minds and budgets on global poverty, significantly boosting people’s prospects in some of the world’s poorest countries....
Last week, Christine Lagarde, the International Monetary Fund’s managing director, warned that if countries do not act together, the global economy could be derailed. Likewise, the OECD h...