什么是“自然受益” ,为什么这是我们未来的关键?
Present: Special Presidential Envoy for Global Commons of University of Tokyo, Professor and Director for Center for Global Commons at University of Tokyo. Former: CEO of GEF and Deputy Vice-Minister of Finance of Japan, Country Director, World Bank; positions at the International Monetary Fund and Harvard Institute for International Development. Co-chair of Future Council for Japan, World Economic Forum. Member of China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development. Member of the Leadership Council, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Board member of UN Foundation, Board member of ClimateWorks Foundation, Board member of EAT Forum, Board member of IGES.
G7 leaders recently announced that “our world must not only become net zero, but also nature positive, for the benefit of both people and the planet.”
Many of our environmental calamities - climate change, extreme weather, loss of biodiversity, extracted ocean and eroded soil - stem from the collision of two systems: Earth’s natural sys...
COVID-19 has created a human tragedy on a huge scale, with deep consequences for the global economy that will lead to an extended recession and long-term hardship.
As policy-makers worldwide respond to a rising tide of climate activism and extreme weather events, the concept of the circular economy has become a key lever in the climate action tool k...
It is time for a radical rethink about our relationship with natural resources.