Miao Sun

Lead, Community Engagement, YGL Foundation, World Economic Forum

Miao Sun is the Community Lead for Young Global Leaders Community and Global Shapers Community in Greater China, Japan, South Korea and Mongolia. She overseas the two communities' strategy in the region by bringing the younger generation of leaders to the World Economic Forum's agenda and initiatives. As a Global Leadership Fellow, she is also passionate about empowering leadership, multistakholder dialogue, and sustainable development.

Miao joined the World Economic Forum at 2017 and served the Programme and Design team for the design, development and deliver of Forum events around topics on sustainability, economics and finance, including World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Annual Meeting of the New Champions in China, and etc. Prior ot that, she was a climate policy analyst on low-carbon development in China. She designed and lead the digital tool for tracking national, provincial, and city-level climate policies in China: Policy Mapping. Her research covers city-level low-carbon planning, carbon pricing and green finance by creating analytical tools and facilitating multidisciplinary exchange to foster integrated solutions for cities. She used to be a Community Host at Impact Hub Stockholm to serve social enterprises in Sweden.

Miao has two master’s degrees (MSc. and MA.) in Environmental Economics from University of Bonn, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, and Capital University of Economics and Business in Beijing. She has a bachelor’s degree in Finance from Beijing Normal University, and Certificate on International Relations at The Johns Hopkins University–Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies.

Miao’s mother tongue is Mandarin, and she speaks fluent English, basic German and Swedish. In her spare time, she loves reading, doing Yoga, and rock climbing.




世界経済フォーラムの「グローバル・ジェンダー・ギャップ・レポート2022(Global Gender Gap Report 2022)」では、リーダー職への女性登用の実態について、ジェンダー・パリティ(ジェンダー公正)に近い水準にあるのは、非政府組織・会員組織(47%)や教育(46%)、パーソナルサービス・福祉(45%)など、一部の業種に限られていることが明らかになりまし...



自2004年开始,世界经济论坛创始人克劳斯·施瓦布创立了全球青年领袖论坛(The Forum of Young Global Leaders,简称YGL)。在过去的19年里,一批又一批优秀的40岁以下的青年领导者持续地致力于促进世界积极的改变。到目前为止,全球青年领袖社区由超过来自120个国家的1400多位成员组成,他们当中有冉冉升起的政界明星,也有成绩卓著的商界领袖,更...




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