Ken Drinkwater

I completed my undergraduate BSc (2001 - Main study: Memory and Part set cuing effects) and a postgraduate MSc (2007 - 2 Main studies: 1. I.Q. Assessment of adults with learning disabilities, and the usefulness of the Ravens Progressive Matrices as a predictor of ability and 2. Focus groups (with Adults who have Learning Disabilities) in developing an accessible leaflet for clinical psychology at Oldham NHS penning care and at Manchester Metropolitan University. My PhD (Paranormal Belief measurements) is due for resubmission following my Viva in November 2015 in October/November 2017 following amendments and corrections.

I have been research active for several years and have contributed to many published works. I am the founder of the film club at MMU and have recently set up a paranormal group that holds regular weekly meetings to discuss all things paranormal, which promotes student engagement and interest in this interesting area of research.

My research interests are in Parapsychology, (Paranormal Belief, Urban legends and Conspiracy Theories), Memory and part set cuing effects, neuropsychology and deficits caused by TBI.

Areas include:
Parapsychology (including Paranormal experiences, Belief in paranormal, the anomalous, Conspiracy theories and Reality Testing)
Neuropsychology (Head injuries/Parkinson's/Epilepsy)
Psychological/ IQ/Intelligence and Ability measurement/Testing
Cognition: Perception, Attention and Memory
Projective methods.

I recently presented at the recent (July, 2012) RIHSC conference; a presentation and poster entitled: "Reality testing, conspiracy theories, and paranormal beliefs". I have attended the BIAL Foundation conference in Portugal on several occations delivering both short presentations and posters outlining research exploring Paranormal Belief, perceptual bias and aspects of Well Being.



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