Print and digital media are often seen as competing forces, but social media platform TikTok helped push physical book sales to a new record in the US last year, according to industry ana...
There is still a huge amount of work to do to achieve gender equality around the world.
As cities search for ways to make their environments cleaner and healthier, alternative methods of transport have become a hot topic.
Household waste weighing more than a camel or mini caravan? That was the average amount each person in the EU generated in 2020, according to Eurostat.
It’s no secret that COVID-19 and national lockdowns had a dramatic effect on employment for many. However, they hit the cultural and creative industries particularly hard, with a total of...
COVID-19 has impacted the world in unprecedented ways, and with it has come a surge in volumes of medical waste.
Se ha debatido mucho sobre la semana laboral de cuatro días, pero la pandemia y los avances tecnológicos han empezado a cambiar la mentalidad de algunos empresarios hacia una más abierta ...
A pesar de los continuos retos globales, las ciudades con los hubs de innovación más fuertes y con mejor talento están mejor posicionadas para el éxito en el futuro, según un nuevo informe.
COVID-19 is currently top of the list of the world’s worries, according to the latest research from Ipsos, with 35% saying it is one of the biggest social and political issues facing thei...
Despite ongoing global challenges, cities with the strongest innovation hubs and greater depth of talent are best placed for future success, according to a new report.
The topic of COVID-19 has dominated healthcare for the past two years, dramatically shifting the needs and requirements of the sector.