The rise of Covidnomics
Boundaries between academic disciplines are always artificial creations intended to facilitate analysis, given our limitations. But as the economist Albert Hirschman once argued, there ar...
Kaushik Basu, former Chief Economist of the World Bank and former Chief Economic Adviser to the Government of India, is Professor of Economics at Cornell University and Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution.
Boundaries between academic disciplines are always artificial creations intended to facilitate analysis, given our limitations. But as the economist Albert Hirschman once argued, there ar...
The unexpected financial crash of 2008, the persistence of the slowdown that occurred in its wake, the failure of conventional monetary and fiscal policies to revive economies, and the cr...
After decades of globalization, there are more conflicts and disputes spanning multiple jurisdictions than ever before, and they will not be resolved by paying lip service to our shared h...
Many wealthy people in the United States and elsewhere support the objective of curbing extreme economic inequality. They should not allow allow themselves to be silenced by right-wing ac...
NEW-YORK – Janvier est traditionnellement le mois où l'on fait le bilan de l'année précédente, tout en essayant de prévoir ce que réserve la nouvelle année. Malheureusement, alors que nou...
KOLKATA (CALCUTTA) – Au terme d’une année de traumatismes politiques et de conflits, je me suis senti pris d’un sentiment assez inattendu d’optimisme. J’étais à Mumbai, et je pouvais voir...
As a result of progressive social policies and a bit of historical luck, Bangladesh has gone from being one of the poorest countries in South Asia to an aspiring "tiger" economy. But can ...
Around the world, the effects of alarmingly high economic inequality are spilling over into politics and society. Economic insecurity is a driving force behind violent conflicts in the Mi...
NEW YORK – La Banque africaine de développement (BAD) vient de publier son rapport Perspectives économiques de l'Afrique pour 2018. La version remaniée publiée cette année – plus courte q...
A la fin d'une année "médiocre et malhonnête" qui n'est pas sans rappeler la "décennie médiocre et malhonnête" évoquée par W.H Auden dans son poème September 1, 1939, l'espérance se dissi...
El mundo está pasando por una crisis económica en cámara lenta, a la que la mayoría de los expertos no le encuentra fin a la vista. Desde la crisis de 2008, la economía global viene creci...
La desigualdad global hoy ha llegado a niveles observados por última vez a fines del siglo XIX y sigue aumentando. Con ello ha surgido una creciente sensación de privación de derechos que...
Global inequality today is at a level last seen in the late nineteenth century – and it is continuing to rise. With it has come a surging sense of disenfranchisement that has fueled alien...