8 facts about bridging the cervical cancer health gap
This article was first published in May 2024 and was updated in October 2024.
This article was first published in May 2024 and was updated in October 2024.
"Ahora mismo es realmente difícil levantarse por la mañana, ver los titulares que ve la gente, por no hablar de todas las cosas que forman parte de la vida cotidiana... y desde luego la v...
In the latest mid-year briefing from the World Economic Forum’s community of Chief Risk Officers, declining geopolitical and geoeconomic relations between major economies are a key concer...
This article has been updated.
En enero, el Informe sobre Riesgos Globales 2024 del Foro Económico Mundial concluyó que la ciberseguridad es un riesgo global en múltiples horizontes temporales, con riesgos cibernéticos...
"It's really difficult right now getting up in the morning, seeing the headlines that people see, let alone all the things that are part and parcel of daily life – and certainly daily lif...
In January, the World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2024 found that cyber insecurity is a global risk over multiple time horizons, with cyber risks such as malware, deepfakes and m...
This article was originally published in November 2023. It was most recently updated in September 2024.
El plazo de 2030 para cumplir los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la ONU se acerca rápidamente, pero menos de una quinta parte de las metas van por buen camino
Though the world faces a range of societal, economic and geopolitical shifts, it is also seeing rapid innovation and technological change.
This year, 4 billion people go to the polls to select leaders who will grapple with an uncertain future and unpredictable geopolitical landscape. Meanwhile, the Earth's systems tip into n...
The 2030 deadline for the UN Sustainable Development Goals is fast approaching, but less than a fifth of the SDG targets are on track.