4 questions CEOs must answer this year to achieve net zero
During this decisive decade for the climate crisis, all CEOs must act with urgency to align their business with net-zero targets. As leaders of organizations with significant impact on em...
MBA, Harvard Business School; MA in Economics, Erasmus University, Netherlands. Leader on global energy issues and climate change. Background spans corporate, government, entrepreneurial, and non-profit leadership. Began career as Analyst, McKinsey & Co., Amsterdam. Formerly: eight years with Royal Dutch Shell, including as Managing Director, Shell Bulgaria; Chief Executive Officer, International Operations, ClientLogic Corporation, a global leader in outsourced customer relationship management (CRM) solutions; 2006-08, Member of the Dutch Parliament; Founding Chief Executive Officer, European Climate Foundation, the largest philanthropic organization dedicated to policy development and advocacy on climate change in Europe. Currently, Chief Executive Officer, Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI).
During this decisive decade for the climate crisis, all CEOs must act with urgency to align their business with net-zero targets. As leaders of organizations with significant impact on em...
The COVID-19 pandemic is a horrific global tragedy, with more than 188,000 lives already lost and many more likely to follow in the coming months. Alongside the human tragedies, the econo...
The energy transition has arrived. After years of merely talking about change, there is now significant acceleration in the transition from a high-carbon to a low carbon energy system. Th...
Around the world, an emerging "rush to gas" - a glut of investment in new natural gas-fired power plants and associated delivery infrastructure - threatens to result in significant strand...
Coordinated public sector support once kickstarted the technologies, business practices and markets needed for a clean, prosperous and secure low-carbon energy future.
Después de una temporada de huracanes que baten récords en Estados Unidos e inundaciones en toda Asia, sería fácil desesperarse ante el ritmo acelerado del cambio climático. Sin embargo, ...