La dissuasion dans le cyberespace
PARIS – En début d’année, les responsables américains ont reconnu que les cyber-opérations offensives américaines avaient permis de faire cesser les perturbations russes lors de l'électio...
1977-79, Deputy to Undersec. of State for Security Assistance, Science and Techn.; Chair, Nat'l Security Council Group on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Former: Director, Center for Int'l Affairs; Dillon Professor of Int'l Affairs and Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences, Harvard. 1993-94, Chairman, Nat'l Intelligence Council. 1994-95, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Int'l Security Affairs; 1995-2004, Dean, John F Kennedy School of Gov't. Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Director, Aspen Strategy Group; Member, Executive Committee, Trilateral Commission; Director, Institute for East-West Security Studies; Director, Int'l Institute for Strategic Studies; American Representative, UN Advisory Committee on Disarmament Affairs; Member, Advisory Committee, Institute of International Economics. Author of books and more than 150 journal articles. Recipient of Distinguished Honour awards.
PARIS – En début d’année, les responsables américains ont reconnu que les cyber-opérations offensives américaines avaient permis de faire cesser les perturbations russes lors de l'électio...
Last month, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called for global action to minimize the risk posed by electronic warfare to civilians. Guterres lamented that “there is no r...
CAMBRIDGE – A l’occasion d’un discours prononcé le mois dernier à l’université de Lisbonne, le secrétaire général des Nations unies, Antonio Guterres, a appelé à une action mondiale pour ...
Diversos episodios ocurridos en los últimos años (entre ellos, las intrusiones electrónicas de Rusia para inclinar la elección presidencial de 2016 en los Estados Unidos en favor de Donal...
Mientras el presidente electo de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, prepara la política de su administración hacia China, debería tomar conciencia de dos trampas importantes que le ha tendido ...
Durante su campaña, el presidente electo de Estados Unidos cuestionó las alianzas e instituciones que apoyaban el orden mundial liberal, pero no hizo demasiada mención a políticas específ...
En muchas democracias occidentales, éste es un año de revuelta contra las elites. El éxito de la campaña del Brexit en Gran Bretaña, la inesperada captura por parte de Donald Trump del Pa...
Who owns the Internet? The answer is no one and everyone. The Internet is a network of networks. Each of the separate networks belongs to different companies and organizations, and they r...
Britain joined what became the European Union in 1973. This year, on June 23, it will hold a referendum on whether to leave. Should it?
American politics has been captured by terrorists. In December 2015, polls showed that one in six Americans, some 16% of the population, now identify terrorism as the most important natio...