Is it time for a 'true global currency'?
The International Monetary Fund’s global reserve asset, the Special Drawing Right, is one of the most underused instruments of multilateral cooperation. Turning it into a true global curr...
The International Monetary Fund’s global reserve asset, the Special Drawing Right, is one of the most underused instruments of multilateral cooperation. Turning it into a true global curr...
The role of exchange rate policies in economic development is still largely debated. There are two central and interconnected issues regarding exchange rate policies in the macroeconomic ...
BOGOTA – Deux événements majeurs survenus la semaine dernière pèsent directement sur les débats internationaux autour du changement climatique et des moyens d’y faire face. Intervient tou...
América Latina – y Sudamérica en particular – han estado en crisis por varios años. Sin embargo, los capitales extranjeros, tanto de inversión directa como financieros, continúan llegando...
Across Latin America, there is a growing sense of anguish that is reminiscent of Michael Corleone’s lament in The Godfather III: “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.” At ...
La economía de Puerto Rico se ha venido contrayendo desde hace casi diez años -una de las peores recesiones en la historia reciente entre economías que no experimentan un conflicto intern...