八成电子垃圾未经有效回收 行业仍存巨大机会
我意识到自己在个人生活中实现循环经济理念的努力还不够。例如,我家里闲置有许多过时和未使用的电子设备,包括几台旧平板、两台笔记本和几部老式手机。我甚至还有一台第三代iPod Nano丢在家里的某个角落。我认为,许多人的衣橱和抽屉里都塞满了这些废旧电子产品,而这正是循环经济所错失的巨大机会。
我意识到自己在个人生活中实现循环经济理念的努力还不够。例如,我家里闲置有许多过时和未使用的电子设备,包括几台旧平板、两台笔记本和几部老式手机。我甚至还有一台第三代iPod Nano丢在家里的某个角落。我认为,许多人的衣橱和抽屉里都塞满了这些废旧电子产品,而这正是循环经济所错失的巨大机会。
I’m quick to admit when I fall short of my circular economy aspirations in my personal life. Take the number of outdated and unused electronics lying around my house. The current inventor...
According to Pew and SystemIQ, plastic flows into the ocean are expected to triple by 2040. Immediate action, though, could stem the tide by more than 80 percent.
We spend over 90 percent of our time indoors. Most of you are probably reading this newsletter indoors. Have you ever spent time thinking about circularity in the built environment? The q...