Una agenda para el activismo fiscal global
Dos eventos importantes asoman en el calendario este mes: las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos el 8 de noviembre y la primera Declaración de Otoño del ministro de Finanzas brit...
Jim O'Neill, a former chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management and a former UK Treasury Minister, is Chairman of Chatham House.
Dos eventos importantes asoman en el calendario este mes: las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos el 8 de noviembre y la primera Declaración de Otoño del ministro de Finanzas brit...
Two important events loom on the calendar this month: the United States’ presidential election on November 8, and British Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond’s first Autumn Stateme...
Este año se celebra el 15 aniversario de los “BRICS”, el término que acuñé para poder referirse a las principales economías emergentes: Brasil, Rusia, India y China (Se agregó a Sudáfrica...
This year marks the 15th anniversary of the “BRICs,” the term I coined to refer to the major emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, and China (South Africa was added in 2010). Recentl...
We often take it for granted that any infection we encounter can be cured, and that all-powerful modern medicine will do precisely what it is supposed to do.
The uncertainty generated by the United Kingdom’s recent vote to leave the European Union – which has sent shockwaves through global markets – has been dominating headlines. But, as we pr...
Combating antimicrobial resistance will require groundbreaking technological solutions. To prevent superbugs from claiming an estimated ten million lives a year by 2050, we will need to i...
The outbreak of the Zika virus, like Ebola before it, has highlighted the risk that infectious diseases can pose to the health of entire countries – and the importance of vaccines to the ...