Facebook's News Feed is 10 years old. This is how the site has changed
When Facebook first launched its News Feed 10 years ago, users went bananas. They absolutely hated the change.
When Facebook first launched its News Feed 10 years ago, users went bananas. They absolutely hated the change.
马克·扎克伯格说过,一名优秀的CEO(首席执行官)应该敢于冒险,但“疯狂的事”不宜做多。 在孵化器公司Y Combinator总裁山姆·奥特曼的采访下,这位脸书(Facebook)CEO从两方面讲述了管理之道。 当被问及彼得·蒂尔(一位饱受争议的董事会成员)给他的最好建议时,扎克伯格引用了原话:“在一个瞬息万变的世界里,不冒险才是最大的风险。” 他继续说道,如果一家公...
A good CEO should take risks, but shouldn't have to do "big, crazy things" too often, according to Mark Zuckerberg.
Facebook and Microsoft are teaming up to build a new underwater cable that will span more than 4,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean, according to a new announcement.