Coronavirus: What does the data say?
We are data scientists—that is, our job is to understand how to analyze and interpret data. When we analyze the data around covid-19, we are very concerned. The most vulnerable parts of s...
We are data scientists—that is, our job is to understand how to analyze and interpret data. When we analyze the data around covid-19, we are very concerned. The most vulnerable parts of s...
Nous sommes des data scientists, c’est-à-dire que notre travail consiste à comprendre comment analyser et interpréter les données. Lorsque nous analysons les données relatives au COVID-19...
Somos científicos de datos, es decir, nuestro trabajo es comprender cómo analizar e interpretar los datos. Cuando analizamos los datos en torno a covid-19, estamos muy preocupados. Las pa...