Janot Mendler de Suarez

Visiting Research Fellow with Boston University’s Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, consults with the World Bank on climate resilient development, runs arts-infused global Anti-Racism trainings, and develops risk-informed decision-making games.

As a Technical Advisor with the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, Janot contributes to conflict zone climate screenings, advancing hurricane and health risk forecasting and forging links between social protection, ecosystems and climate resilience. An expert facilitator and climate policy advisor, she is a recognized innovator in communicating science including through spoken word, data visualization, and serious games for collaborative co-learning multistakeholder consultations. Janot has worked in over 75 countries, spent over a decade developing GEF-IW:LEARN, the Global Environment Facility’s International Waters knowledge-sharing platform, and as a Senior Lecturer in Geography at Royal Holloway University of London piloted the first internet-mediated MSc program targeting developing country environmental professionals.



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