IBM Q: The next level in supercomputing capability
IBM has just launched its Quantum computer program in Africa, announcing a partnership with South Africa’s Wits University that will extend to 15 universities across nine countries.
IBM has just launched its Quantum computer program in Africa, announcing a partnership with South Africa’s Wits University that will extend to 15 universities across nine countries.
¿Podrían las alianzas globales de comercio electrónico convertirse en una alternativa a los acuerdos comerciales? Parecería que sí, si nos guiamos por lo ocurrido con la reciente colabora...
Could global e-commerce partnerships become an alternative to trade agreements? It would seem so, if a recent eBay collaboration in Africa is anything to go by.
Watch the Protectionism: Back to the Future? session from the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting 2017 here.
Though bread and butter issues may have exited this US election, expect the economy to retake centre stage in a Clinton or Trump administration. Whoever wins next week, America’s record s...
As more global tech firms enter frontier markets, could greater local competition offset the disruptive downsides? What happens in Kenya’s digital ride hail market could serve as an indic...
As Africa transitions from the margins to the mainstream of the global economy, technology is playing an increasingly significant role. Bolstering regional trends in business, investment ...