6 things we learned about the environment at Davos 2019
Even before Davos started, the scene was set for environmental issues to take centre stage. The Global Risks Report 2019 declared that humanity was ‘sleepwalking its way to catastrophe’ a...
Even before Davos started, the scene was set for environmental issues to take centre stage. The Global Risks Report 2019 declared that humanity was ‘sleepwalking its way to catastrophe’ a...
Blockchain hype peaked in the media in 2017 when “cryptomania” hit the trading markets. More recently, attention has turned to how it will be regulated, while in a survey released this mo...
Sometimes the news about our environment can feel a little monotonous. We read the same old headlines about how important the environment is, how the situation is getting worse, and how ‘...
From the pace of climate action to saving our oceans, world leaders had plenty to say about the environment during the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting 2018 in Davos.
As 2018 starts with waves of extreme weather across the planet, it seems uncomfortably appropriate that environmental issues have once again dominated the list of the most urgent risks id...
We live in a world that was largely shaped by industrialists, but which is increasingly being transformed by technologists. Innovations are getting faster and more efficient, technology i...
La reducción de las emisiones mundiales de gases de efecto invernadero es fundamental para manejar los riesgos del cambio climático en todos los rincones del mundo. Sin embargo, incluso s...
There's a high need for building climate resilience, as scientists predict that with even a 2°C rise in global average temperature there could be catastrophic consequences.
Businesses and investors are increasingly recognizing climate change as one of the top global risks. And so it is not surprising there were a record number of events during the World Econ...
Every year the world faces new global risks.
Los bosques tropicales son fundamentales para el crecimiento sostenible en África. También tienen repercusiones económicas, ambientales y sociales que se extienden mucho más allá del cont...
Tropical forests are essential for sustainable growth in Africa. They also have economic, environmental, and social implications that extend far beyond the continent.
Es oficial. El Acuerdo de París sobre el cambio climático es un hecho consumado.