How to launch a corporate alumni programme
Corporate alumni programmes are an increasingly popular way for organizations to keep in touch with employees who have moved on to new pastures. They can help companies continue to benefi...
Head of Alumni Relations, World Economic Forum. PhD summa cum laude in International Studies from the Graduate Institute, Geneva (2014). Assistant editor of the IO BIO: Biographical Dictionary of Secretaries-General of International Organizations project. She has published on international organizations in journals such as the Journal of International Organizations Studies and the Journal of World History, and is co-editor of Ideas and Identities, published in 2014.
Corporate alumni programmes are an increasingly popular way for organizations to keep in touch with employees who have moved on to new pastures. They can help companies continue to benefi...
For many, the word “alumni” might evoke a sense of belonging to one’s alma mater – fond memories of rich intellectual discussions, the big homecoming game, friends for life – and continue...
En el corazón de la transformación industrial, el Centro de Manufactura Avanzada y Cadena de Suministro (Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chain Hub) de la Aldea de Colaboración Global de...
At the heart of industrial transformation, the Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chain Hub within the World Economic Forum’s Global Collaboration Village is where technology, sustainabili...
ニール・スティーブンスン氏が著した「スノウ・クラッシュ(Snow Crash)」は、ハッカーやマフィア、コンピューターウイルスが複雑に絡み合うメタバースの中で主人公が活躍する姿を描いた独創的な小説。「メタバース」や「アバター」という言葉を有名にした作品であり、今なおシリコンバレーのテクノロジー企業に大きな刺激を与え続けています。
En Snow Crash, la obra seminal de Neal Stephenson, el protagonista Hiro se encuentra en una intrincada red en el metaverso en la que intervienen hackers, la mafia y virus informáticos. Sn...
In his seminal work, Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson's protagonist finds himself in an intricate web in the metaverse involving hackers, the mafia, and computer viruses. Snow Crash popularize...
En un reciente evento de socios de la Aldea de Colaboración Global (Global Collaboration Village), líderes de diversos campos compartieron sus perspectivas sobre cómo el metaverso está tr...
At a recent Global Collaboration Village partner event, notable leaders in diverse fields shared their perspectives on how the metaverse is transforming their industries, how AI is suppor...
What might the world look like in 2025? In autumn 2020 the World Economic Forum convened expert-led Global Future Councils, time-bound think tanks, to explore that very question.
The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing schools, universities and learning and development professionals to shift rapidly from in-person to online learning.
Es oficial: COVID-19 es ya una pandemia, que se extiende tan rápidamente que cualquier recuento de infecciones y muertes se desactualiza enseguida. Los casos fuera de China se han multipl...
It's official: COVID-19 is now a pandemic, spreading so quickly that any tally of infections and deaths rapidly becomes out of date. Cases outside of China have increased 13-fold in the l...
Our world is shifting rapidly and universities too must keep pace. Here are five thoughts forward-looking universities should ponder as they look towards their future.
Universities and industry have a lot to learn from one another – and partnerships between the two can be mutually beneficial while especially serving the university’s entrepreneurial stud...