Why jobs are plentiful while workers are scarce
In the US and UK, the recent labor market puzzle can be partly explained by mismatch, the pandemic’s effect on women (in the US) and older workers leaving the work force.
In the US and UK, the recent labor market puzzle can be partly explained by mismatch, the pandemic’s effect on women (in the US) and older workers leaving the work force.
近几个月来,人们一直在讨论:与那些需要更密切人际互动的“社交性”工作(如餐馆工作人员)相比,可以转为在家工作的人——以及那些 “必要”工作者——受到封城隔离所带来的裁员和失业的影响更小一些。然而,我们对国际货币基金组织工作人员的最新研究表明,这并不能说明问题的全部。
There has been much discussion in recent months about how workers who transitioned to working from home—and those who were deemed “essential”—are less affected by the layoffs and job loss...