中国作为世界上最大的汽车市场,正在制定停止生产和销售化石燃料车辆的时间表。 印度已宣布,国家计划在2030年之前实现新生产汽车的完全电气化。
中国作为世界上最大的汽车市场,正在制定停止生产和销售化石燃料车辆的时间表。 印度已宣布,国家计划在2030年之前实现新生产汽车的完全电气化。
China, the world’s largest car market, is working on a timetable to stop the production and sale of vehicles powered by fossil fuels. India has declared its intention to make all new vehi...
Many trends on the horizon offer opportunities that could transform our cities. From self-driving vehicles and the sharing economy through to cloud computing and blockchain technologies, ...