From stagflation to debt crises: What history tells us
The global economy is in the midst of a steep growth slowdown accompanied by multi-decade high inflation. Global inflation forecasts for 2022-23 have been sharply upgraded, while global g...
Franziska Ohnsorge is Lead Economist in the World Bank Development Prospects Group. Previously, she worked at the International Monetary Fund and the Office of the Chief Economist of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. She is lead author of the World Bank flagship report, Global Economic Prospects. Her research has covered fiscal and financial sector policy, savings and consumption, capital flows, trade and commodity-related issues in emerging market and developing countries. She has co-authored a number of policy-oriented papers and academic papers on these topics. She holds a PhD in Economics from University of Toronto.
The global economy is in the midst of a steep growth slowdown accompanied by multi-decade high inflation. Global inflation forecasts for 2022-23 have been sharply upgraded, while global g...
In last year’s COVID-19-induced global recession, global government debt surged in its largest single-year increase on record. Globally, government debt stood at a five-decade record of 9...
Economies across the globe face a daunting challenge: the highest global debt levels seen in half a century. As The Aftermath of Debt Surges points out, policymakers need to prepare for t...
Because of its size and interconnectedness, developments in the US economy are bound to have important effects around the world. The US has the world’s single largest economy, accounting ...
Since the global financial crisis, credit to the private nonfinancial sector in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs) has surged. Within this overall surge, however, there has...