Davos and beyond: A timeline of the highlights
This article has been updated.
This article has been updated.
As part of the World Economic Forum's Sustainable Development Impact Meetings, world leaders came together to discuss strengthening food value chains at the leadership panel Bridging the ...
Transferring money to some hard-to-reach regions can take days. Often several intermediaries are involved – and a small mistake can cause a whole chain of transactions to collapse. It can...
¿Se ha preguntado alguna vez cómo sería vivir en un mundo realmente igualitario entre hombres y mujeres? Es posible que el mundo tenga que esperar hasta el año 2154 para que esto ocurra, ...
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a truly gender-equal world? The world may have to wait until the year 2154 for this to happen, according to the World Economic Foru...
Forests are complex ecosystems with numerous interacting components, including plants, soil, water, fungi, people and other animals. These diverse habitats and ecological systems support ...
In his opening address to COP15 – the United Nations (UN) Biodiversity Conference in December 2022 – UN Secretary-General António Guterres explained that "without nature, we have nothing"...
Our oceans bear the brunt of the impacts of global warming, having absorbed around 90% of the heat generated by rising emissions to date, according to the United Nations.
“Around the world, workers are faced with a series of unexpected challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic, swiftly followed by an economic downturn and soaring inflation has created an uncertain...
Honorable participants and distinguished guests,
What a difference a year makes! When I spoke to you last year around this time, our discussions revolved around the global economy’s path out of the pandemic. At the start of 2022, many p...
Volver a Davos es señal de una ansiada vuelta a la normalidad, como lo son las caras sin mascarillas que puedo ver entre el público. Sin embargo, hoy no parece normal en absoluto, ¿verdad...
Coming back to Davos is a sign of a much-longed-for return to normalcy, as are the unmasked faces that I can see in the audience. Yet, today does not feel normal at all, does it? The worl...
Thank you for your welcome. It is good to be back in Davos once again in person.
I am particularly pleased to be speaking to you today, at a time when we are witnessing the unprecedented crystallisation of multiple challenges that combine the urgent need to accelerate...