The importance of books as we struggle with COVID-19
Food, water, and medicine are obvious essentials right now. We rely on these things to survive. Technically, however, we don’t need lots of the other stuff that was a given before the cor...
Ephrat Livni is a writer and lawyer. She has worked around the world and now reports on government and the Supreme Court from Washington, DC.
Food, water, and medicine are obvious essentials right now. We rely on these things to survive. Technically, however, we don’t need lots of the other stuff that was a given before the cor...
Like a favorite cup or plate, people sometimes crack. We may even break.
The meaning of life is a question that has plagued philosophers for millennia, and there is no single correct answer. But increasingly, scientists are finding that having a sense of purpo...
As of June 1, travelers to Tanzania will have to pack very carefully. The country announced the implementation of the second phase of its plastic bag ban on May 16. Visitors are advised t...
You’ve got problems. Perhaps more than you know. Apart from all the usual woes—work, relationships, money, time—the civilized life may also be causing you psychological trauma.
Laughter may be the best medicine but culture works wonders for health as well. That’s the thinking driving a new initiative in Montreal, Canada, where doctors will be able to prescribe f...
If you’re seeing red, feeling angry, anxious, and stressed, well, welcome to the postmodern experience. Don’t despair, however. Blue mind science—the study of aquatic environments’ health...
Happiness is a serious business. Inspired by the positive psychology movement, corporations hold positions for “chief fun officers” and esteemed institutions like Stanford and Yale offer ...
It’s sweet to be agreeable—but what a vibrant, healthy society really needs is principled troublemakers.
用音乐拨弄情感之弦的智慧常常是这样表现的:大三和弦配上令人振奋的歌词,而小三和弦演奏低沉的旋律并搭配犹豫的歌词。11月15日发表在《Royal Society of Open Science》上的最新研究一定程度上证实了这种看法,但是又有一些新发现。这篇题目为《小三和弦渐弱,大三和弦渐强》的论文从莱昂纳德·科恩的歌曲《Hallelujah》中发现了歌词在不同的地域、音乐类...
The conventional wisdom on plucking emotional strings musically is basically this: Major chords lift spirits and go with heartening lyrics, while minor chords are for darker tunes with mo...
La vida silvestre era la receta clásica de Henry David Thoreau para la civilización y sus descontentos, ofrecida en el ensayo de 1854, Walden: o, la vida en los bosques. Ahora, existe evi...
In Japanese, there are three words for “heart”: shinzou, which refers to the physical organ, ha-to, which is the Anglicized word for a love heart, and kokoro, which means… well, that’s mo...
Lawyers are the professionals everyone loves to loathe. Jokes about attorneys abound, and Shakespeare’s line from Henry VI remains a cultural favorite: ”The first thing we do, let’s kill ...
Be a rebel with a cause. It will boost your career and enrich you personally, says Harvard Business School professor Francesca Gino. Cultivate constructive nonconformity to become a more ...