Here's how rising global risks will change our cities
While the coronavirus pandemic is ravaging around the globe, we will continue to experience unprecedented urbanization in the coming decades. Today, 55% of the global population lives in ...
BA in Economics, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México; Certificate in Strategy and Leadership , Harvard University; Master of Public Policy, University of Chicago. 2007, Economist, Mexican Business Coordination Council; 2009, Research Associate, Mexican Competitiveness Institute; 2011, Public Policy Consultant, Public Affairs, Inc.; 2013, Public Opinion Analyst, Office of the President of Mexico; 2014, Deputy Chief of Staff to the Viceminister, Mexican Ministry of Finance; 2017, Director General for Economic Relations and International Promotion, Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
While the coronavirus pandemic is ravaging around the globe, we will continue to experience unprecedented urbanization in the coming decades. Today, 55% of the global population lives in ...
An overly simplistic view of global economics has fuelled climate denial and skepticism for decades. Some opponents of climate change mitigation policies argue that achieving any progress...
Una regla de oro de la política es que el momento de una decisión es casi tan importante como la decisión misma. "El momento oportuno lo es todo", pero también es el elemento más difícil ...
A golden rule of politics is that the timing of a decision is almost as important as the decision itself. “Timing is everything”, but it is also the element that is hardest to get right.
The global risk landscape seems to be changing faster than our ability to manage it.
Even though international relations are tensing up, the world is more connected and complex than ever before. This has two implications: first, that businesses everywhere are becoming inc...