Emerson Csorba

Global Shaper, Cambridge Hub

Emerson Csorba is a Co-Founder and Director with workplace culture consultancy Gen Y Inc., helping deliver client services across various sectors and cities while also overseeing
marketing/sales. His experiences include work with multinational corporations in heavy materials and aggregates, to facilitations with leading technology business incubators,
agricultural societies, economic development agencies, newspapers and government departments. He is 3M National Fellow, American Express Top 45 Emerging Innovator in
North America, and was recently named an Avenue Magazine Top 40 Under 40 recipient in Edmonton. In 2014, Emerson received the University of Cambridge Trust Scholarship in
order to read for a M.Phil in Politics, Development and Democratic Education (Pembroke College), after graduating as a Peter Lougheed Scholar in Sciences Politiques at the
University of Alberta, where he continues to
contribute as an Alumni Council representative.
He writes for the Telegraph, G lobe and Mail and World Economic Forum Agenda. Growing up in a single-mother home, he is the first in his family to attend university.



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