How has COVID-19 impacted world poverty?
The global economy is beginning to bounce back from the economic ravages of the coronavirus pandemic, with growth of 5.6 percent expected for 2021. But this recovery is not being experien...
The global economy is beginning to bounce back from the economic ravages of the coronavirus pandemic, with growth of 5.6 percent expected for 2021. But this recovery is not being experien...
Make a bet: Will we celebrate the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2030? Or will we analyze why the world community fell short of its ambitions?
The Poverty and Shared Prosperity Report 2020 (PSPR2020) reported that COVID-19 was likely to push between 88 and 115 million people into extreme poverty—those living under $1.90-a-day—ar...
En abril calculamos que la COVID-19 había sumido a entre 40 millones y 60 millones de personas en la pobreza extrema (i). Desde entonces, el epicentro de la epidemia se ha desplazado desd...
In April we estimated that COVID-19 is pushing between 40 and 60 million into extreme poverty. Since then, the epicenter of the pandemic has shifted from Europe and North America to the g...
The International Comparison Program (ICP) has just published new purchasing power parities (PPPs). It has revised the previously published 2011 PPPs to take into account the effects of n...