Digital trust: How ethical tech empowers workers and why workers empower ethical tech
Earning trust in new technologies is hard. Trust plays a vital role in every aspect of new technology – from development to deployment to adoption.
Daniel leads the Forum's work on trustworthy technology, including the Digital Trust Initiative (focused on improving decision making around technology), the Global Coalition for Digital Safety (focused on creating safe online spaces that promote free expression and trust), as well as the Metaverse Initiative and the Connected Future/Digital Public Infrastructure Initiative.
An attorney and educator with two decades of experience at the intersection of technology, law, and policy, Daniel's areas of research include cybersecurity, digital trust, election protection, internet rights, and corporate governance. His work appears in Harvard Business Review, Wired, and other publications. He also teaches as an adjunct associate professor at Columbia University on digital trust and cybersecurity topics. Daniel has been recognized by the National Association of Corporate Directors as one of the most influential leaders in the corporate governance community.
Earning trust in new technologies is hard. Trust plays a vital role in every aspect of new technology – from development to deployment to adoption.
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The World Economic Forum’s Digital Trust Framework was created to support decision makers align around three goals: security and reliability; accountability and oversight; inclusive, ethi...
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