With the dust settling on key international negotiations at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29) and Biodiversity Conference (COP16), it has never been clearer that busine...
Según la Agencia Internacional de la Energía, la industria siderúrgica produce el 7% de las emisiones mundiales de gases de efecto invernadero (3.500 millones de toneladas anuales), princ...
The International Energy Agency says that steel produces 7% of the world’s GHG emissions – 3.5 billion tonnes annually – mostly from iron, the main input to steelmaking (70% of steel prod...
Según el informe más reciente del Foro Económico Mundial, Net-Zero Industry Tracker, los sectores del acero, el cemento, el hormigón y el aluminio, fundamentales para la transición ecológ...
According to the latest World Economic Forum Net-Zero Industry Tracker, the steel, cement and concrete and aluminium sectors, critical for the green transition, are jointly responsible fo...
Descarbonizar la industria siderúrgica es un reto crucial que hay que superar si el mundo quiere cumplir sus objetivos climáticos. La producción de acero representa en torno al 11% de las...
Decarbonizing the steel industry is a crucial challenge to overcome if the world is going to meet its climate goals. Steel production contributes around 11% of global carbon dioxide (CO2)...
Al tratarse de una de las industrias más contaminantes del mundo, la descarbonización de la producción de cemento y hormigón es fundamental si queremos alcanzar los objetivos de cero emis...
As one of the world’s most polluting industries, decarbonizing cement and concrete production is critical if we are to reach 2050 net zero goals and limit global warming to a 1.5°C increa...
La demanda mundial de aluminio aumentará casi un 40% de aquí a 2030, según un reciente informe realizado por los analistas de inteligencia empresarial CRU International por encargo del In...
Global aluminium demand will increase by almost 40% by 2030, according to a recent report conducted by business intelligence analysts CRU International on behalf of the International Alum...
Concrete is the most widely used man-made material, and the second most widely used material after water. Humans rely on it, yet with cement and concrete production contributing 7-8% of g...