Damiano de Felice

Chief, External Affairs, CARB-X

Damiano de Felice, PhD, is a non-profit executive with experience leading teams across multiple functions, including business development and fundraising, policy and external relations, strategy and impact, operations and finance. He joined CARB-X in 2022 from the Access to Medicine Foundation, where he served as Director of Strategy and a member of the management team. With expertise in the areas of global health, human rights and sustainable investing, Damiano has published his research and interviews in international news, magazines and academic journals, including the Financial Times, The Guardian, Harvard Business Review and Human Rights Quarterly. He has served on multiple expert and advisory groups, including the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Antimicrobial Resistance, World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Human Rights, SASB Advisory Group for the pharmaceutical sector, Global AMR R&D Hub Stakeholder Group, and Expert Committee for the UN Sustainable Procurement Index for Health. Throughout his career, Damiano has advised international organizations, companies, governments and NGOs, including the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights and the Italian Ministry of Economic Development. Damiano holds a PhD in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science.



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