Last month, Germany became the first major economy to announce that it intends to introduce a target to reach “net-negative” emissions later this century.
For more than two years, countries including Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia have faced their driest conditions in four decades.
At least 40% of the EU’s low-carbon technologies – from solar panels to heat pumps – will need to be made within its borders by 2030 under new plans.
Every area of UK society will feel the effects of climate change and, as global emissions continue to rise, preparing for life in a warmer world is crucial.
Scientists, economists and Indigenous activists met in Oxford in September to discuss a challenge central to solving climate change: how can the world rid itself of fossil fuels?
A wildfire racing across a hillside has become emblematic of climate change. And for good reason: a quarter of the world’s natural landscapes now face longer fire seasons as a result of w...
Mammals forced to move to cooler climes amid global warming are “already” spreading their viruses further – with “undoubtable” impacts for human health, a new study says.
The scale of loss from the Greenland ice sheet will be higher this century than in any other over the past 12,000 years, a new study concludes.
Climate change has driven an “alarming” increase in the number of years with both heatwaves and droughts across the US over the past five decades, a study finds.
Each year, Arctic sea ice goes through a seasonal cycle, growing in area and thickness through the cooler winter months before shrinking back again as temperatures rise in the spring and ...
The rapidly evolving scientific field of “extreme event event attribution” has detected the fingerprint of human-caused climate change on a wide range of extreme weather events, including...
Siberia’s prolonged heat from January to June this year – which broke temperature records and drove polluting megafires – would have been “almost impossible” without human-caused climate ...
There is a detectable “human fingerprint” on decreasing rainfall over the US, central Asia and southern Africa, according to the results. It is also detectable on increasing rainfall in t...
The Amundsen-Scott station, located at Antarctica’s south pole, recorded warming that was three times higher than the global average from 1989 to 2018, according to the research.