Christine Qiang

Christine Zhenwei Qiang, a Chinese national, is Practice Manager for Investment Climate of the World Bank Group’s Trade & Competitiveness Global Practice. Her teams advise client governments on catalyzing reforms that foster business competitiveness, connect firms to global markets, maximize the benefits of private investment, and create jobs. She also manages the Impact Program, which is focused on strengthening the design, measurement, and reporting of the development impact of investment climate interventions. Christine joined the World Bank Group in 1998. Prior to joining the Investment Climate Unit of the Trade & Competitiveness Global Practice, she was Lead Economist at the Policy Division of the Global ICT Department of the World Bank Group. Her main responsibilities included overseeing the Bank Group’s analytical agenda on ICT policies, private investment in telecom infrastructure, economics and impact analysis, as well as leading operations and policy dialog in Asian countries.
She has published many journal articles, book chapters and reports on private sector development, economic growth and productivity. She has a PhD in Economics and a M.S.E. in Computer Science and Engineering from Johns Hopkins University and a BA in German Language and Literature from Shanghai International Studies University in China.



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