Christian Roth

Media Psychologist, Researcher, and Lecturer, Utrecht School of the Arts

Dr. Christian Roth is an advocate for positive change through immersive narrative experiences that encourage experimentation and perspective-taking. As a media psychologist, specialised in human-computer-interaction (HCI), he integrates diverse disciplines and creative expressions to engage learners on their educational journey.

Currently based at the HKU University of the Arts Utrecht in the Netherlands (, Dr. Roth is a dedicated Research Fellow at the Research Group Creative Making Processes & Technology and educator at the HKU School of Games specializing in interactive narrative, educational games, and meaningful design. Dr. Roth also founded DELTA Innovative Learning (, a consultancy company for immersive learning experiences. His work stands at the intersection of academia, education, art, and practical application, exploring and evaluating the use of interactive narratives and extended realities for personal growth and transformative learning.

Dr. Roth is chair of the evaluation workgroup of INDCOR ( and was involved in a series of European projects on the topics of games, storytelling and education. More under his website



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