4 promising digital technologies for circular construction
To ensure there will be enough housing available for a growing population by 2060, recent studies suggest that we need to construct the equivalent of the building space of New York City e...
As Assistant Professor of Circular Engineering for Architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), Prof. Dr. Catherine De Wolf conducts research on digital innovation towards a circular built environment. She has a dual background in civil engineering and architecture from Belgium, obtained her PhD in building technology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and worked for the University of Cambridge, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), and University of Technology Delft (TU Delft). She has also worked with Kuwait University in Kuwait, Nanjing University in China, and Stellenbosh University in South Africa. She collaborates closely with governmental institutions (e.g., European Commission’s Joint Research Centre) and pioneering industry partners (e.g., Arup, Elioth, etc.) on the reuse of building materials in real-world projects, such as the reuse of the glass from the Centre Pompidou. She regularly gets invited for public talks and debates on circular construction at institutions such as the European Parliament or the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA).