Scientists uncover direct connection between touch and memory. This is why it matters
New research sheds light on how the brain combines external information and internal memory to build a sense of touch.
New research sheds light on how the brain combines external information and internal memory to build a sense of touch.
Working out with more intensity than, say, walking 10,000 steps over the course of a day—drastically improves a person’s fitness, compared to milder forms of exercise, researchers report.
研究人员正在努力创造一个“翻译官”。“翻译官”能够解释人工智能如何通过算法找到答案,并以此建立起人类与人工智能之间的信任关系。 在自动驾驶汽车和无人机的时代,人工智能对我们生活中来说越来越重要,它也正通过学习变得越来越聪明。今天,人工智能可以识别文字,区分人脸,甚至在一定程度上识别物体。但是,即便是最好的人工智能系统,很大机会仍会出错。 波士顿大学计算机科学助理教授S...
A team of researchers is working to build trust between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) by creating an “interpreter” that can explain how an AI arrived at the answer to a specific...